Creating Your Vision

Have you got a vision for your life floating around in your mind?

Do you ever see images + think oh I wash that was my life?

Then you need to create a vision board.

Grab a cup of tea and get ready to lay your dream lifestyle out in front of you.

I know you all have lots of ideas so lets piece this life together. 

It's a perfect excuse to trawl instagram and the internet and find that which calls your hear and that you aspire to. 

Personally I save the images and screen shots then pop to office works and print them out as photos (something about that glossy look), options for you pinterest-ers to create a board, or get the old fashioned scissors and glue to magazines. 

Make it yours and make it magic. 

This is a no holds back designing of your dream life! 

Don't even put thought into the how it will happen just start creating the path and let the universe do its thang!! 

Here is a little guide to areas of your life to consider

+ to help guide your image searching.

Would love to see what you come up with be sure to tag us in any images or send us a direct message @chasethesunwellbeing  


Dear Teenage Me,


Your Personal Wellness Vision