Peaks + Pits

How many times a week do you get the answer “good” when asking someone you love about their day. 

The conversation stops, or never really starts. It can be days later you find out important things or all too often not at all. 

To encourage more in-depth, reflective conversation within your family, relationship, even with yourself we use peaks + pits. 

Peaks + Pits is a simple to implement conversation starter for you to have on the drive home from school, around the dinner table or as a bedtime ritual.

It’s as simple as saying one or as many as possible Peaks + Pits from your day.


Peaks -

A positive experience.

A celebration.

Something you are proud of.

Pits -

A negative experience.

A challenge you faced.

Something you wish you could change the outcome of.


By sharing you welcome open conversation, receive insight into your loved ones feelings, create opportunities to problem resolve together, increase resilience + build self awareness by example. 

Try it today with yourself or someone you love. 


Everyday Creativity


Dear Teenage Me,