Everyday Creativity



Creativity + a creative life isn’t a thing you have or don’t have.

It’s a way of being, seeing, doing + living that you hone + develop over time. 


At Chase the Sun we include creativity as one of our pillars for wellbeing. 

We utilise creativity as self expression, for our clients, as a tool to:

  • Build self awareness.

  • Increase confidence.

  • Strengthen self discipline. 

  • Express emotions. 

  • Teach commitment. 

  • Enhance connection to intuition.

  • Get comfortable with experimenting.

  • Gives an opportunity to play without restrictions. 


Try one or all of our 15 Ways to bring more creativity into your everyday - 

1. Mix up your daily routines 

Take a different route to school or work, grab a coffee  somewhere new, invite a friend as you run errands.

2. Go for a walk + leave your phone at home 

Truely take in your surroundings.  


3. Choose a colour for the day 

Wear it, write about the way it feels, eat foods of the colour,  look for it in your surroundings.  


4. Take photos with your mind 

Pause, create a frame with your mind or hands + take in all   the detail you can, then move your frame slightly to see what changes. 


5. Say yes more than no 

Take opportunities as they come your way trusting where they will lead you.   

6. Try a new recipe

Choose a new cuisine, way of cooking or make up your own recipe with new ingredients.  


7. Restyle your room or home

Move your furniture, pictures + favourite pieces into new places for a fresh feel.


8. Style yourself  

Try on all your clothes mixing together different pieces for some new looks, play with your hair or make up looks too.

9. Colour in 

Find a colouring page to colour in, enjoy the picture as it comes to life in your own unique way.  

10. Read a new topic 

Head to the library, find a topic or subject you wouldn’t  usually lean towards + find a book committing to finishing it.

11. Be inspired by others creativity 

Take yourself on an art date to a local gallery, festival or  street art. Notice what you are drawn to + how it makes you feel. 

12. Make a vision board

Get some magazines or print out some pics from online + put together a collage of your dream life. Read our Creating Your Vision journal post for a full how to guide. 

13. Get in the garden

Plant some flowers or vegetables bringing them together in your own way.

14. Sign up for a workshop

If theres something you've always wanted to try find a local creative studio or community offering + learn a new skill.  

15. Embrace being bored + not having to always fill your time + mind.


Implementing more creativity in your daily life gives you the space to

get out of your thinking (often overthinking mind),

get into the moment + see the world a little more beautifully. 


What does everyday creativity look like to you? 


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